An Interview with Lynne Twist

One thing that stood out to me is her dedication to help people. The way I see it, helping others is an intention that starts from a very early age. Kids usually exclaim "I'm gonna grow up, become spiderman and save the world". By the time they reach teenage years they say " I'm gonna grow up and change the whole world and make it just". However, when they graduate college, they just say "I'm not doing anything, just give me a job".  On some level we all want to help each other, but when we face the reality of things, we realize that it's not that easy -- changing the world. It takes a really special person to power through those difficulties and at least try to make a differences.

Here we meet Lynne Twist, Stanford alumni who at some point in her life lost her father. The combination of these events, the trauma and good education, made her for el compelled to help people not go through things she did. She decided to stick to her child instincts. This journey allowed her to experience different cultures and look into people's souls. In her book, Soul of Money, she reveals her experiences and makes connections with how people interact with each other through money.