Back to the Future

You probably have noticed the new trend of people riding around on hoverboards. We dreamed of this day ever since Marty McFly stepped on that pink floating board in "Back to the Future Part 2" back in 1989. Finally, 2015 has come and we got hoverboards...or did we? What we – the regular people – refer to as hoverboards are actually hands-free segways from the Inventist team called Hovertrax. And I hate to break it to you, but they were around for a while now. They got cheaper over time and people actually started to buy them.

 Mobility is one of the distinguishing features of the new electric segway. It is fully rechargeable in sixty minutes, and weighs no more than a regular long board. The segway also easily fits in a regular school backpack. Hovertrax has two independent halves that respond to movements of each leg of the driver. Each half has an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a personal electric motor. The device can handle up to 200 pounds and go as fast as 5 mph for 30 mins on a single charge. From the former product, also made by Inventist, monocycle Solowheel this new electric transport, besides the obvious addition of a second wheel, differs by having – a smaller battery; more than half the weight; travels slower and not very far; but has a lighter price tag. Working prototype of the scooter Inventist was presented last year on Kickstarter. Unfortunately, Hovertrax did not have an explosive success like many predicted, but the company did manage to collect double of the needed funding. The product was able to reach its final stage of development and is currently selling for $1500 (with some Chinese versions selling for $400 and up).

The question is on everyone's mind is: will it be enough to escape the infamous angry bullies from the movie? While it is a valid question in its own right, the segway was not designed for high speed chases. Despite having almost the same speed as a skateboard, Hovertrax is very safe. Auto-balancing system allows you to maintain balance while moving and come to a full stop when needed. The riders can safely hop off from their segways at any time during the trip. The chances of falling are virtually reduced to zero, so there is no need to wear protective gear when riding on the Hovertrax. It can be used for practical purposes or simply to have fun. The segway has a number of advantages over conventional electric vehicles – electric scooters and electric bicycles. Hovertrax can ride almost everywhere – in the park, right down the street, to school, to work or to a store. You can even ride on it in the malls, warehouses or in the office. And it will turn heads every time you do. The only requirement to the place of movement – a relatively flat and smooth surface.

Hovertrax is not a revolutionary piece of tech. It is more of an evolution of the manually pedaled skateboard. But so is McFly’s hoverboard if you think about it. Lexus have attempted they own hoverboard, but it only works on a metal rail and has to be super cooled by liquid nitrogen. The closest thing we have to a true hovering board is the magnetic one Hendo is developing. However, it is in the baby stage – it is big, awkward and has to be on a designed metal track to work. Hence, a practical hoverboard might still be years and years away. Whoa…this is heavy.


  1. Hey, did you hear that Pepsi just announced their back to the future pepsi? i think its from the second movie... And hopefully some hover board comes out soon! that'd be pretty sweet

    1. I just saw the commercial, brilliant marketing. Definitely picking up one when it comes out.

  2. Some questions I have always wondered about the hoverboard... How do they get over cracks? So many companies are coming out with their own versions now that its trending, I wonder if anyone has patented the idea. Definitely want to try one still.

  3. I really want a hoverboard! I think they are so cool but I don't know how well I would be able to ride one.
